Calling at Work
It is not uncommon for debt collectors to call consumers at their jobs to pressure them to pay. Under federal and California law, a debt collector cannot call a consumer at their place of employment if they know or should know calls to their job are prohibited.
If you are getting calls to your job, call now for a free consultation at 408-727-5377 or e-mail at
Non-Stop Telephone Calls
Debt collectors sometimes turn your telephone (particularly your cell phone) into a weapon calling multiple times a day (morning, noon, or night) seven days a week, until the consumer breaks. If the debt collector knows you cannot afford to pay, you have requested the calls to stop, they may be violating the law.
If you are getting constant telephone calls, call now for a free consultation at 408-727-5377 or e-mail us at
Calling Neighbors, Family Members
It is not uncommon for debt collectors to call a consumer’s family members or neighbors to embarrass and pressure the consumer to pay. If they have your contact information, why are they contacting family members and neighbors?
If a debt collector has called your neighbor or family member, call now for a free consultation at 408-727-5377 or e-mail us at
False Threats They Will Sue You
A debt collector certainly has a right to sue for a debt that is not being paid. However, they don’t have a right to make false threats, including falsely threating they will sue when they have no intention. This is often a tactic used to create fear and stress in the consumer and break them. These tactics are illegal and abusive.
If a debt collector has made threats of a lawsuit against you, call now for a free consultation at 408-727-5377 or e-mail us at
Harassing or Abusive Conduct
Debt collection laws were created to ensure that there is integrity in the debt collection business. Many times, consumes are harassed or abused in many forms ranging from constant non-stop telephone calls, abusive language, and many other types.
If you feel you are being harassed or abused, call now for a free consultation at 408-727-5377 or e-mail us at
I Don’t Owe The Money – Wrong Person
We have represented many individuals that simply did not owe the debt in which the debt collector was attempting to collect on. When the consumer tried to explain this, it was met with indifference and a relentless effort to continue to try and collect.
If you are being contacted for a debt that you do not owe, call now for a free consultation at 408-727-5377 or e-mail us at